Monday, October 3, 2016

Autumn-y Thanks CTS192 and CQC361

Hold onto your hats, I'm posting twice in one day! Why, you ask? Because my BFF, the person responsible for my whole stamping addiction hobby, challenged me, and one of those challenges ends tonight.

The miles that separate us make crafting together impossible, but she thought it would be fun if we chose a challenge (or two or three) and each come up with our interpretation. Brilliant, right?! So today we are doing the ColourQ #361 and the CAS(E) This Sketch #192 challenges. You can see Barb's card HERE.

I really like the color combination for this week's challenge. Normally I'm not a fan of orange (aside from being a Vols fan), but pair it with the earth tones and the pop of turquoise, and it sings!
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  1. ... And you say it's nothing special. Every card you make has that "touch"! So pretty... Very fall-like!!

    1. Awww, you're just saying that because you're my BFF. ;)

  2. Oh, I love the layers with the banner! Great take on the sketch!


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