Saturday, May 25, 2024

CSF Saturday Hop - Paper Perfection

Today's Create With Stamping Friends Saturday Hop theme is our favorite new catalog DSP. Why do we have to pick a fave? It's like asking me which is my favorite child! Okay, this week it's Unbounded Beauty. I love that it has all the new In Colors and the patterns are just lovely!

I used four of them on this card. I was trying to think of a way to use more than one or two, and the diagonal stripes popped into my head.

I like the way this turned out, especially since I got to add some bling with the In Color Glimmer from the same suite!

That's all for today - see you next Saturday! Up next is Libby Fens at Libby Stamps. Or click the "back" button to go back to Lori at Loritamarie Crafts.

Stampin' Up! products used:

  • Stamps: Unbounded Love
  • Paper: Basic White, Pretty in Pink, Petunia Pop, Unbounded Beauty DSP, 2024-2026 In Color Glimmer Paper
  • Ink:  Petunia Pop
  • Accessories: Unbounded Love Dies

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