Monday, June 19, 2023

Stamp Review Crew - Beautiful Balloons

Welcome to the Stamp Review Crew's Beautiful Balloons edition! The "Crew" is a group of Stampin' Up! demonstrators from around the world who pick a stamp set or bundle to highlight on the first and third Mondays of each month, with a bonus hop if there is a fifth Monday. If you landed here from Jay's blog, welcome! There are five of us today, and you can see the blog roll by clicking the graphic above.

Beautiful Balloons is a 16 piece photopolymer stamp set that has a 13 piece die set to match. If you purchase both, you get the 10% bundle discount. This is just the most awesome set for celebrating, whether birthdays, graduations, new babies, accomplishments, new homes, or just about anything! There is a lovely suite of coordinating DSP and Specialty DSP, as well.

Today I have a simple card using the balloon die cuts and the streamer stamps. This would be an easy card to make multiples of, in various colors, to have handy!

I had more ideas, but ran out of time due to life getting in the way of my crafting. (Darn adulting, lol.) Guess I'll save them for another time.

So that's it for today. Click "Next" to see what Mike over at Stampin-Style has created, or "Previous" to visit Jay again. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Dang adulting life! I have the same problem and would like it to go away!! lol I like your card it's perfect!

  2. I love the monochromatic scheme of the card and it will work with any colour. Gorgeous


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